

It creates micro channels that allow the product to go in deeper. In the quest for timeless beauty, skincare enthusiasts are turning to innovative methods that promise to unveil the secrets to radiant and youthful skin. Among these techniques, derma stamping has emerged as a noteworthy contender, offering pathway to rejuvenation and addressing a myriad of skincare concerns. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the art of derma stamping, providing a step-by-step walk through to ensure a safe, effective, and gratifying experience.

As we embark on this skincare journey, envision your face as a canvas awaiting transformation. The derma stamper, a specialized tool in this beauty arsenal, holds the promise of unlocking your skin’s full potential. Before we delve into the meticulous steps of the procedure, we’ll explore the crucial preparatory measures – from the initial cleansing ritual to the disinfection of hands and the derma stamper itself. With a focus on precision and technique, our guide will empower you to navigate the intricate process of selecting needle lengths tailored to different facial zones, ensuring optimal results without compromising the skin’s integrity.

Join us as we demystify the world of derma stamping, combining science and artistry to elevate your skincare routine. Your skin is not just a canvas; it’s a masterpiece waiting to be revealed through the gentle touch and meticulous care that derma stamping offers.

Step 1: Preparing the Canvas

Begin your derma stamping journey with a clean slate. Thoroughly cleanse all treatment areas with a gentle cleanser, eliminating any impurities. Pat the skin dry with a clean towel to create the ideal canvas for the upcoming procedure.

Step 2: Hand Hygiene

Prioritize cleanliness by disinfecting your hands with antibacterial gel. This essential step minimizes the risk of transferring bacteria to the treated areas and contributes to a hygienic derma stamping experience.

Step 3: Tool Disinfection

Ensure the derma stamper is a beacon of cleanliness by soaking the head in rubbing alcohol for a few minutes. This simple yet crucial step prevents infections and guarantees a sterile environment for your skincare routine.

Step 4: Mapping Your Face

Divide and conquer! Your face is not a uniform canvas, and different areas have distinct needs. Section your face into smaller parts, such as the forehead, cheeks, chin, and nose. Optionally, include the neck, decollate, and hands as treatment areas based on your skincare goals.

Step 5: Needle Length Matters

Precision is key when selecting the appropriate needle length for each area. Refer to the guidelines provided for needle lengths based on specific treatment zones. Start with the lowest suggested length and gradually progress, but never exceed the recommended depth to avoid potential skin damage.

Step 6: Technique and Pressure

Mastering the art of derma stamping involves a delicate touch. Pull the skin taut and gently press the needles against your skin with light pressure. Avoid excessive force, as it may compromise the integrity of your skin. Take your time to stamp one area at a time, ensuring thorough coverage.

Step 7: Post-Stamping Pampering

Treat your skin to a post-stamping indulgence by applying Cyto-Glo Serum. Additional moisturizer can be used if needed, providing a soothing and hydrating touch to your treated skin

Step 8: Tool TLC

After your derma stamping session, give your tool some love. Clean it by running it under warm water and then soak it in alcohol for a few seconds. Allow it to air dry before securely placing the cap back on.

Step 9: Storage Savvy

Keep your derma stamper in optimal condition by always storing it with the cover on. Place it in a clean, designated space until your next skincare adventure.

Step 10: Cherish Your Skin

A proper aftercare routine is the final touch to your derma stamping journey. Shield your skin from direct sunlight, avoid exfoliation and harsh products for a few days, and apply sunscreen daily. Hydration is crucial to support the healing process, ensuring your skin emerges refreshed and revitalized.


It is essential to follow a proper aftercare routine. Avoid direct sunlight, exfoliation, and harsh skincare products for a few days. Apply sunscreen daily and keep your skin hydrated to support the healing process


Start with the lowest length that is suggested for each area, and gradually increase to the next length over a couple of weeks. Be extra cautious around sensitive areas, which are closer to the bone structure of the face, and eye area. Do not go deeper than the suggested length. It will not give you better results, instead it can cause skin damage.

  1. SCALP: 0.5 mm – 1.5 mm
  2. FOREHEAD: 0.25 mm – 0.5 mm
  3. BETWEEN EYEBROWS: 0.25 mm – 0.5 mm
  4. NOSE: 0.3 mm – 0.5 mm
  5. LOWER PART OF EYE: 0.25 mm
  6. CHECK BONE: 0.25mm – 0.75 mm
  7. CHEK: 0.5 mm – 1.00 mm
  8. LIP AREA: 0.3mm – 0.5 mm
  9. BODY FOR STRETCH MARKS: 1.5 mm – 2.0 mm
  10. BODY FOR SCARRING: 1.0 mm – 3.0 mm
  11. NECK: 0.5mm – 1.0 mm
  12. DECOLRTTE: 0.25 mm – 0.75 mm
  13. HANDS: 0.25 mm – 0.75 m


0.25 mm – 0.75 mm: 2-3 times a week
1.0 mm: once a week
1.5 mm: once every two weeks
If used lightly / once every 3-4 weeks if used more vigorously
2.0 – 3.0 mm: once every five weeks


Embark on your derma stamping journey armed with knowledge and precision. By following these step-by-step instructions, you’re not just pampering your skin; you’re engaging in an artful skincare practice that can unlock the secret to a radiant complexion. Happy stamping